

Parody Book Series

Like anything that you might hold in for a long time, it feels SO good to finally let this out: Two weeks from today, on October 6, 2015, four books I illustrated are going to be hitting stores. I'm officially a published illustrator! But how did that happen? Let's step into...

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This is a story about how I became part of someone else's love story. Meet Jeff and Tracey. It was 2013. New York Comic Con. Jeff and his sister were at my table in the Artist Alley, looking through all my artwork for the first time ever. Everyone was having a...

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What a loss. I'm not usually one to be moved by the deaths of celebrities, seeing as they're people I don't know, but Robin Williams was an exception. True to his talent, the man made me laugh until I cried.

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Well how about that? My stuff has the honor of flying off the shelves of East Side Mags. When the grand opening celebration took place, I made this limited-edition print to help commemorate both their kick-off and the fact that I was part of it: They're all sold out now if you wanted one....

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